Friday, November 27, 2009

Financial Literacy

There's a new bibliotherapy category, it seems, brought on by the current economic situation.  While perusing Albert Whitman's Spring 2010 catalog recently, toward the back I spotted, among sub-categories such as autism, abuse, and asthma, the "financial literacy" category.  Three books were featured which were intended for children ages 5 to 10 yrs. They dealt with topics such as fundraising, earning money, and maintaining savings accounts.  Publishers are quick to jump on bandwagons.  Remember the buzz-word a few years ago --"conflict management"?  And "homeless persons"?  The latter theme will need, unfortunately, to continue to be explored in children's literature.  It truly takes a village to raise a kid.  But it starts with parents modeling desired behavior for their children.  We could all tighten our belts a bit these days, don't you think? 

1 comment:

BookChook said...

Is it just me, or is it over-the-top to expect a five-year-old to manage a savings account? I prefer books that encourage kids to be kids, I must admit!